Young Canada Works


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Le programme
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The Program

Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages (YCWBOL) is a short-term employment program funded by the Government of Canada and administered by the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) in the province of Quebec.

YCWBOL provides non-refundable financial assistance to eligible employers to promote the integration of students into the workforce. Through the opportunities created by YCWBOL, students gain work experience in their first or second official language within official language minority communities.

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The Subsidy

For private companies: 50% of the cost of the student's position. For non-profit organizations: 70% of the cost of the student's position. A bonus of up to $3,000 per candidate is granted to employers who hire student with disabilities.

The program covers the cost of travel to and from work, based on the reimbursement rate per kilometer established by the National Joint Council. Students whose residence is more than 125 km from their place of employment receive an accommodation allowance of $2.60 per hour worked.

Check my eligibility

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Information on Application Periods

February 3 of each year:

The deadline to submit an application is February 3rd of each year. Applications submitted after this date will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to available funding.

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Eligibility Criteria

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Key Steps to Benefit from the Grant

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For Employers

1. Create an account on the YCWBOL platform. 

2. Apply through the platform. 

3. Complete the student's eligibility form before hiring. 

4. Submit the staffing report during the student's first week of work. 

5. Finalize the end-of-employment report on the student's last day of work. 

6. Complete the evaluation questionnaire at the end of the student's employment. 

Start an application

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For Students

1. Create an account on the YCWBOL platform. 

2. Complete your profile. 

3. Browse job offers. 

4. Submit applications for prioritized positions. 

5. Finalize the eligibility form. 

6. Complete the staffing report during the first week of work. 

7. Finalize the end-of-employment report on your last day of work. 

8. Fill out the evaluation questionnaire at the end of your employment. 

Start an application


This project is funded by the Government of Canada.

